Snow Snakes For Clean Water
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Friendly Competitive Throw - Joni's Beach - La Pointe, WI. Play traditional winter games, build community and protect water. Donate Your Support Today!
Local island residents are hosting this event and a core group of game organizers and coaches will work with participants during the day to oversee the Snow Snake track/s and throws. Core organizing group will make final decision on Snow Snake games, conduct and rules at Joni's Beach.
A group of water protectors plans to go to the island together and fly kites, particularly of critters we’re trying to protect. There is a 9:00 AM pancake breakfast at St. John’s. Contact to join and for more information.
The Challenge: There are three (3) main ways to the island. Check with the first two to see the status of options as event time nears:
Madeline Island Ferry Line: 715-747-2051
Madeline Island Windsled: 715-747-5400
Ice Road from the Bayfield Ferry Landing to La Pointe: 715-747-5400
Or Snowshoe/Cross-Country/Snowmobile/Dog Sled or walk over.
Registration: ON SITE when you make it to the island
Gas and Supplies: Gas up and buy supplies on mainland. Come Self-Sufficient. Be SAFE!
Snow Snake Track Timing: Featured Skill - Longest Throw
Some regional Lodging being used by Snow Snakers:
Red Cliff Legendary Waters: 800-226-8478
Farmhouse Inn on the Island: 715-747-3276
Lake Superior Inn: 715-209-0453
For more info, contact Skabewis: