March Forth to Earth Day

The March Forth to Earth Day Project is encouraging communities across the Great Lakes region to share plans for potential Minnesota,,Wisconsin, Michigan and Canadian Earth Day actions.. Last year several organizations held on-site inspections to observe pipelines, former spill sites and pumping facilities to check their status and observe for potential leaks.

Consider hosting an in-person or virtual event, or collaborate with our activities. Fill out the form below with the information for your event and it will be added to our directory of Earth Day 2023 Activities. Let us help you to get the word out about your public celebration.

Earth Day 2023 Events

  • April 18-19, 2023

    Earth Day 2023: Species on the Move. Join UW–Madison’s Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies for Earth Day 2023: Species on the Move, a two-day community learning event with both in-person and virtual opportunities to learn and connect. Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.

  • April 19, 2023

  • April 20, 2023

  • April 21, 2023

  • April 22, 2023

    All over Wisconsin:
    March Forth to Earth Day Actions for Climate Justice In communities across WI. For a listing of locations and times go here.

    All over Wisconsin:
    Enbridge Pipelines Earth Day Monitoring Action
    Protect the sacred. Water is life.
    Local citizen monitoring has been how most pipeline incidents are noticed. For example, The 2010 Kalamazoo Oil Spill was reported by citizens. Enbridge employees noticed a drop in pressure so they turned up the pressure. It spewed for 72 hours before residents noticed the strong odor of petroleum and complained, leading Enbridge to turn off the pipeline. More info at:

  • April 23, 2023

  • April 24, 2023

  • April 25, 2023

  • April 27, 2022