Videos & Documentaries
A project that has long been protested, Enbridge’s Line 3 oil pipeline, and complaints it has received, is the center of this FOX 9 Investigators piece.
Activity around Enbridge pipeline
"What Line 5 means for me..."
Join Ojibwe attorney Philomena Kebec as she harvests wild rice in the Kakagon Sloughs, the largest undeveloped wetland system on the Great Lakes. This sacred region -- its waters, wildlife and traditions -- is under threat because of the Line 5 pipeline. The pipeline carries nearly 23 million gallons of crude oil and liquid natural gas originating in the tar sands of Alberta across countless wetlands and waterways to refineries in Ontario.
Communities United by Water
Emergency Line 5 Update
& Cross Border Networking
Zoom Apr 20 2023
Learn about the basics of Enbridge Line 5 and hear updates from water protectors from the front lines. Together we can expedite the just transition to safe energy systems while protecting our precious water.
Activity around Enbridge pipeline
Five Things You Need to Know about the Enbridge Line #5
Oil Pipeline Shutdown
Activity around Enbridge pipeline
Water is Life | Indigenous Lifeways
Threatened by Enbridge’s Line 5
Activity around Enbridge pipeline
Is work being done on Enbridge pipelines in Ashland County?
Activity around Enbridge pipeline
2023 Moningwaane’akaning Minis
Inter-Tribal Snow Snake Tournament
2023 Moningwaane-akaning Minis Inter-Tribal Snow Snake Tournement
January 2023 Enbridge Moving Water
from Hudson Bay to Gulf of Mexico
Filmed about 0845 hrs 1/3/2023 and early afternoon 1/4/2023 (drone/thermal footage), this video shows the water flow coming from the Enbridge worksite at their Line 3/93 second crossing of Walker Brook. The water is being pumped from the valley (The Red River of the North/Hudson Bay watershed) over the Laurentian Divide, into an overflowing dewatering station in the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico watershed.
2nd Anniversary of the
2021 Rally for the Rivers
Listen to this Live Event on the 2nd Anniversary of the 2021 Rally for the Rivers, one of the most significant events during the Line 3 pipeline construction in MN. Winona LaDuke & other Water Protectors are still facing charges related to this event. Honor the Earth & Native Roots Radio partnered to bring you this.
Great Lake Water Protectors Representing at COP 15
December 10, 2022
Great Grandmother Mary Lyon and other Great Lakes Water Protectors deliver an invoice to Enbridge in Montreal for all the damage they have done to our communities.
Minnesota still suffering from
HDD use on Line 3
Below are Waadookawaad Amikwag’s detailed findings on the true ecological harms happening from Line 3 pipeline construction near the headwaters of the Mississippi:
Bad River community
torn apart by pipeline
Water is Life | Indigenous Lifeways Threatened by Enbridge’s Line 5
Tribal leaders and Native community members share how #Enbridge #Line5 currently impacts and the proposed tunnel will continue to harm Native communities in the Mackinac Straits of Michigan. Through sharing about lifeways and connection to the Straits, they affirm that #WaterIsLife. They envision Michiganders safeguarding the Great Lakes out of gratitude for the life they give and the place of gathering they provide. Michiganders powering quality of life for all with renewable energy that never risks life-giving water or the places that make life worth living. For more information: This video is a collaboration between the School of Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan and the Anishinaabek Caucus. Filming/Production/Editing: Steve Gute from Confluence Documentary
First dugout canoe produced on Mooningwanaakaning
(Madeline Island) since 1854
Saturday and Sunday, August 20-21 were ceremonial days for the “oshkimitigojiman” canoe extended to those who were deeply involved with producing the first dugout canoe on Mooningwanaakaning (Madeline Island) since 1854, as far as we can determine.
Saturday there were prayers and songs for touching the water it’s first time as a dugout on the north end 1854 Chippewa Treaty Fishing Camp, carried into the lake by the women. Sunday it had a naming ceremony, “Gitchigaming Manitowid”, or In The Spirit of Lake Superior” and she was given several maiden rides at Joni’s Beach. I didn’t even roll this one.
A public dedication of the canoe will take place Friday, September 30 at 4 PM at the La Pointe Center Arts Gallery at 103 Main Street, Mooningwaanakanig on 1854 Treaty Day, with riding time on Saturday, October 1 in the nearby bay at the end of Main Street.
My appreciation to Zac and the Red Lake delegation for that special song, rarely heard and almost lost that joined the sky, the water and this white pine together on the big lake, and the words of wisdom spoken by Frank Montano of Red Cliff, about the meaning of all living things working together to leave this world a better place.
Paul DeMain
Moningwaane'akaanig Minis unveils its first public art piece by Lisa Perrin-Kosmo in honor of the Crane Clan.
Frank Bibeau on
Treaty Rights and Enbridge
Frank Bibeau beautifully explaining the treaty violations by Enbridge and the tangled web they weaved in northern Minnesota and the fight to hold them accountable.Putting forth the importance of consent from the tribes as the forefront of all considerations before anything else moves forward. Starts in about 56 minutes in.
A Public Affair
WORT 89.9 FM, Madison
June 16, 2022
Host: Allen Ruff. Guests AURORA CONLEY, chair of the Anishinaabe Environmental Protection Alliance and a member of the Bad River Ojibwe tribe. and long-time social and environmental activist and organizer MARC ROSENTHAL talking about June 25th and Communities United by Water Celebration.
Oil & Water Don’t Mix
Press Conference
Uncovered Classified Court Documents Reveal
Enbridge Lies About Line 5 Need
The decisions we make today should result in the sustainable world seven generations into the future. United in stewardship, we join our neighbors in protecting the land, water, and original orders of creation.
Food That Grows on Water
Food that Grows on Water takes an inside look into how Canadian oil pipeline Line 3 will affect Manoomin (wild rice) and Ojibwe livelihood. This film aims to inspire people to take action and help stop Line 3, and now Line 5.
Directed by Gabriel Cowan
Director of Photography Sebastian Barbaran
For some behind the scenes, full length interviews, and soundtrack check out
David Joe Bates
During the May 12, 2021 Enbridge Eviction events in Mackinaw City and Harbor Springs, Michigan, David Joe Bates of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa explains how Enbridge's Line 5 threatens the Tribe's heartland — the Bad River, or Mashkii Ziibii, "Medicine River." The river is creating an oxbow — a new, shorter channel — bringing it within 30 feet of the fossil-fuel pipeline. Built to last 50 years, Line 5 is now 69 years old. It was put in Native territories without consent, and today is running illegally in both Wisconsin and Michigan, lacking permits from two Tribes — the Bad River Band and the Bay Mills Indian Community — plus the State of Michigan and the US Forest Service. #RejectLine5 #WaterIsLife Produced by Honor the Earth. Filmed and edited by Keri Pickett.
Down in the River to Pray
While in jail for protecting the waters of northern Minnesota from Line 3, the Shell River 7 passed the time by re-writing the words to “Down in the River to Pray,” adding original, new lyrics * to the plaintive melody of “The Good Old Way” first published in 1867.
Debuting April 22 during an appearance by Indigenous leader Winona LaDuke on Native Roots Radio, and live streamed on Honor the Earth (, the music video highlights scenes from the prayerful resistance of late last year at the Mississippi River in northern Minnesota and the January 2022 recording session in Minneapolis.
Enbridge Line 3 Aquifer Breach at Fond Du Lac
The Line 3 pipeline carries tar sands oil from Canada to Superior Wisconsin. The Canadian pipeline company has had numerous frac-outs and aquifer breaches and the pipeline threatens wild rice watersheds in the 1855 Treaty Territory. Geologist Jeffrey Broberg on the Enbridge Line 3 aquifer breach that has gushed over 200 million gallons of water. Produced by Honor the Earth Filmed by NewEra4K and edited by NewEra4K.
Shell River 7
On July 19, 2021. six Elder women and a photojournalist were arrested along the Shell River in northern Minnesota—Winona LaDuke, Kelly Maracle, Trish Weber, Cheryl Brands, Mary Klein, and Barbara With as they sat peacefully in lawn chairs on the banks of the river, chained to each other and praying to protect the water. K. Flo Razowsky, a photographer, was also arrested while working on assignment to cover the ceremony. Water protectors in canoes and on horseback prayed in solidarity with their action to stop Line 3, a tar sands pipeline bringing 760,000 barrels of oil per day across 340 miles of the upper Mississippi River basin in northern and central Minnesota on 1855 and 1854 Treaty territories of the Anishinaabe people
No More Pipeline Blues
Earth Day, April 22, 2021: Indigenous Women Artists including the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States Joy Harjo join the Indigo Girls and Bonnie Raitt in "No More Pipeline Blues (On this Land Where We Belong)” Produced and composed by folksinger and activist Larry Long,